Unwind: Tips for a Peaceful Sleep


If you know me personally, you will know that I am a self-confessed sleepaholic. I sleep a lot; 8 hours is not good enough for me, and if I do have less I do not function very well. I’m also partial to a ‘nana nap’, and my cat has even gotten into the routine of joining me post work for an hour’s sleep. The team at Yorkshire Linen asked me if I though a nicely made bed can entice you into a peaceful sleep, and I definitely do. It just so happens that I was sent some beautiful bedding from Rooi which coincided with this question, which definitely helped me answer ‘yes’ to this question. I’m therefore sharing my tips for a peaceful sleep below.

Tips for a Peaceful Sleep


1. Good Quality Sheets

We’ve all been there, gotten into a bed with scratchy sheets and been unable to get comfortable no matter which way you turn. This is definitely not an issue when you dress your bed with Belledorm 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton duvet cover from Rooi. The cotton is unbelievably thick and super soft and I couldn’t wait to change my bed. I picked this duvet cover, not only due to the excellent quality, but the fact that it is so elegant; plain ivory with an embroidered satin hem and button fastening. My other half commented on how comfortable the bedding was and I’m sure my mum had bedding envy when she saw it too. I will definitely be purchasing more products from Rooi, and already have my eye on their candle collection

2. The Right Pillow

My other half and I have very different tastes when it comes to pillows; I love a soft pillow that I can sink my head into and drift off into blissful sleep, my other half however, prefers a very firm pillow. Make sure you have pillows that suit both of you to ensure that you both have a good night’s sleep. Yorkshire Linen have an extensive range of pillows that you can choose from, which are also very reasonably priced.

3. Thick Blackout Curtains

If you’re like me, you’ll prefer sleeping in the darkest room possible, this is where blackout curtains come into their own; no light is getting through these so you will have a peaceful night’s sleep. Just make sure you set your alarm on a loud setting as you may sleep through it!


4. Decor

There is just something about a good looking bedroom that entices you into a peaceful sleep; if you want to jump into that bed as soon as you walk in, I can bet that you will have a good sleep. We have a feature wall in our room, which the bed is against, then the rest of the walls are cream. We have a cream carpet and a cream carpet. You could say the room is minimal as we don’t have a lot of clutter around, which makes a big difference to me.

So there are my four top tips for a peaceful sleep, I’ve shared some products that might help with the above.

Do you have any tips for a peaceful sleep?

Lauren xx

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*This post is sponsored by Yorkshire Linen & Rooi



  1. August 21, 2016 / 11:17 am

    Bedroom goals. I so need to get some blackout curtains I think!

    • by Lauren Jane
      August 21, 2016 / 11:28 am

      Thanks Lucy! They make such an incredible difference xx

  2. August 24, 2016 / 8:25 pm

    Remember you posting a picture of you’re room and Lucy is definitely correct, it is goals!
    Agree completely with your tips.I am definitely an 8 hours no less person. My mum always used to say it to me and I was like whatever, however as I’ve gotten older, she’s totally right!
    To be honest, when I’m tired, I’ll sleep in my bed however messy the room is, though the clutter and husbands clothes on the floor do stress me from time to time.lol
    Pillows I’m not sure what my go to is. The husband is more clued up on that than me.. he;s forever telling me we need new pillows.. Maybe that should be our next purchase.lol


    • by Lauren Jane
      August 26, 2016 / 12:54 pm

      Thanks Caroline 🙂 I love my sleep a little too much. I think pillows make a big difference.

      Lauren xxx

  3. August 29, 2016 / 8:26 pm

    There’s nothing I love more than quality bedding. I’ve just moved out and I just knew it was worth the money to invest in a good quality mattress, duvet and pillows! Having a gorgeous cosy bed to get into makes sleeping soooo much better. I found it very hard to sleep at my parents, now I have my own place and my own little sanctuary I’m finding it so much easier to get to sleep.

    corrie | corriearnold.co.uk

    • by Lauren Jane
      September 1, 2016 / 9:08 pm

      Thanks for the comment Corrie, it definitely is worth the money xx

  4. Toni
    September 1, 2016 / 6:58 pm

    Your bedroom is gorgeous! I love getting cosy when I’m in bed and so a thick duvet and lots of pillows is a must have for me!

    Toni x

    • by Lauren Jane
      September 1, 2016 / 9:06 pm

      Thank you Toni 🙂 xx

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