IPL Hair Removal – Update

IPL Hair Removal – Update

In July I wrote a post after my first IPL hair removal session at Bellissima Exclusive in Leeds; I paid for a 6 session course for Brazilian bikini and I have just had my fourth treatment. The cost for the 6 sessions was £240 which I thought was a worthy investment. A s I mentioned in the first post, Bellissima use a medical grade Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser called the Lynton Lumina, the fact that it is medical grade made me feel a lot more confident with my decision. I wanted to give you an update on my progress, as well as how each session has changed.

The Treatment

In case you missed the first post, the treatment starts just as a Brazilian bikini wax would, you’re asked to change into a pair of super sexy paper knickers and lye down on the treatment bed. The therapist then applies ultrasound gel to the area to be treated, the gel is so cold, it is so uncomfortable that I think it is possibly worse than the laser itself! You are then given a pair of protective glasses, just as the therapist wears, then the laser is placed on the area and you are ‘zapped’. It feels like being pinged with an elastic band, it is super quick, and the pain is only for a second, which leads nicely on to my next section.


The second session of IPL was a lot more painful than the first; Bellissima had just had their machine re-calibrated so it was more powerful than the first time. I could smell the burning of the hair follicles, which I wasn’t able to in the first session.

The third session was still uncomfortable, just as the second session, but I couldn’t smell as much burning, as as I said initially it was over so quickly it really wasn’t that bad!

Now, the fourth session that I had yesterday, was a lot less painful, which I think is due to the fact that there is now a lot less hair for the laser to treat, I also now know what to expect, so potentially I am more prepared for the treatment as well.


A week or so after the first session, I noticed I had some bald patches in my bikini line, with slower regrowth in the other areas. This has increased following each treatment; I definitely have a lot less hair, but it hasn’t completely gone yet. You aren’t allowed to wax whilst having your treatment, so unfortunately it is shaving to remove remaining hair. I have found that the hair removal lasts a lot longer than ever before, which is brilliant as I can be a bit lazy/forgetful!

I have two more treatments remaining on my course, but I think I may need a few more, so I will most likely pay for another course of three treatments to finish it off, depending on the results in 8 weeks (you have one treatment every 4 weeks). I have been recommending the treatment to all of my friends as I think it has been such a worthy investment. I’ve also decided that once my bikini line is done, I am going to have the bottom half of my legs treated which costs £250 for a course of 6. I can’t get the top half done as the hair is fair on my thighs, so it wouldn’t work.

I have to say that I am really pleased that I chose Bellissima for my course as I’ve had 2 different therapists so far and they have both been lovely, the ladies really make you feel comfortable which is so important!

If you missed the first post which includes information on the initial consultation and patch test, check this out here.

Have any of you had IPL? How successful has it been for you?

Lauren xx


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