#ChallengeBodyform Blogger Challenge



Periods. We don’t talk about them enough do we? Most of us girls have them, so why not? When the lovely people at Bodyform asked if I was ready to #ChallengeBodyform, I said yes and couldn’t wait to hear more. This campaign is all about being fearless about staying active or doing something outside of your comfort zone whilst on your period. If you’re like me, you’ll worry about leaks, about what you can therefore wear, and whether it is even worth the bother. But why should our periods stop us?

I was asked to pick an activity such as Go Ape or go to a gig, unfortunately, mother nature’s dates didn’t match up with either of these, so I decided my challenge would be a gruelling session with my Personal Trainer and Harriet certainly puts me through my paces! It also meant that I could take on the challenge with something that worries me each and every month!

I received my #ChallengeBodyform kit, which included their ProSkin Liners, a personalised water bottle (perfect for the gym), a selfie stick, a branded sports top and a remote for my camera.





My #ChallengeBodyform Blogger Activity

So last Sunday I took myself off to the gym, having spent the two previous days feeling pretty miserable with cramps and bloating. I’ve previously avoided physical activity during my period due to potential leakages and being uncomfortable, so I must admit, I was a little worried! My workouts with Harriet usually starts with a 5 minute brisk walk, followed by 10-20 minutes of running or intervals, then we move onto weights and circuits, so we did exactly the same for #ChallengeBodyform. My PT sessions are one hour, so plenty of time to give the ProSkin Liners a run for their money. You can see me sweaty and exhausted half way through my session below…


How Did the ProSkin Liners Perform?

There were two things that surprised me; 1 – I couldn’t feel the liner at all during my PT session and 2 – when I popped to the loo afterwards, the liner hadn’t moved, not at all! I sometimes find that liners can be uncomfortable and a little itchy if I’m honest, but the ProSkin Liners weren’t at all. The shape of the liners mean they are designed to stay in place, but to be honest, I wouldn’t have believed that until I tried them for myself. The formula is also designed to care for your intimate area, and having thrown out packs of liners and pads due to the uncomfortable feeling they left me with, this is a massive plus point for me.

I’d definitely recommend trying the liners and doing #ChallengeBodyform for yourself, you can see how rocker Chloe got on wearing all white to a metal gig here, which is pretty fearless!

I was sent the products to review in this post as well as a contribution to my PT session, however, all opinions are my own as always.

Lauren xx



  1. December 19, 2016 / 12:54 pm

    I have to be honest exercise is usually the last thing I want to do on my period so well done to you! Good to know that the pads felt natural as so many can feel so horrible!
    Deimante x

    • by Lauren Jane
      December 30, 2016 / 2:20 pm

      Thanks Dei, I find I feel so much better for it too!

  2. December 30, 2016 / 1:28 pm

    Good on you for trying this out – like dei said it’s so hard to feel motivated at that time of the month.

    Laura | A Forte For Fashion


    • by Lauren Jane
      December 30, 2016 / 2:21 pm

      It really is, but definitely makes you feel better after 🙂 x

  3. January 2, 2017 / 1:55 pm

    Exercising can definitely help with cramps but I’m always scared of accidents so I’ll have to give these a go xx
    Love Lucinda xx

    • by Lauren Jane
      January 2, 2017 / 5:39 pm

      Let me know if you try them and what you think!

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