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10 Things I’d Tell My Younger Self

I’ve seen other bloggers write posts about things they’d like to go back and tell their younger selves, and this is something that I not…

La Redoute Summer Party

A few weekends ago, I was invited to the La Redoute Summer Party, I immediately RSVP’d saying I’d be there as I’d missed their Christmas…

Unwind: Tips for a Peaceful Sleep

If you know me personally, you will know that I am a self-confessed sleepaholic. I sleep a lot; 8 hours is not good enough for…

August Glossybox

I used to look forward to my Glossybox*delivery every single month when I lived back in South Shields, but since moving to Leeds I’ve never…

My Blogger Friends

In my recent post about supporting other bloggers, I mentioned that I have met a group of incredible female bloggers in Leeds, whom I now…

Coori Gluten Free Pasta

Pasta has always been my go to comfort food of choice. In more recent years, pasta has been a massive trigger for my IBS, resulting…

What Is Your Style Squad?

What Is Your Style Squad? Most of us have a style squad we fall into, I was pretty sure of mine, so when Boohoo* contacted…